Lately there is so much emphasize on “waking up”. People waking up, the so called awaken ones having to help other people wake up. The term waking up sounds so patronizing to me. Like one part of humanity is dumb and asleep and another part wise and awake. Then please define awake for me? I don’t think there are many people that are fully awake to the whole Truth. Again define Truth. Is there one truth for all? And when are you awake? Awakening is a process, an ongoing process. We unveil one bit of so called truth and we fall into another fallacy to be uncovered. We are all learning day by day, seeking, uncovering, step by step… But there is one thing that unites us all, the desire of the freedom from being ruled (the true definition of anarchy).

The Seed of Truth

In my experience with my own “awakening” and that of others, there are several events that trigger intense transformation. We don’t just fully wake up one day. Something happens and our old beliefs are somehow challenged and fall away, there is a crisis of belief. We all carry the seed of truth inside ourselves and this can only be denied for so long, eventually we experience something that causes us to reconsider what was previously dismissed or believed. When we examine and explore this new idea and a storm of transformation occurs. This is a very intense experience as our world view drastically changes and it feels like all that we believed in and held on to, falls away. There are no more false securities. If we are open to the developmental path, then we’re all likely to learn and grow from this experience. And it is a freeing and empowering experience. Life doesn’t suck! We are only made to believe it is. Life is worth fighting for. Fighting for the lies to end and for true freedom for all to become reality. But in order to achieve this we have to make peace with insecurity. Insecurity has to be perceived in a new light, not as a threat, but as a possibility! In the end it is all about how we see the world. And how we choose to experience it. In the end it is all our choice.

Wake up the Sheeple

The thing about so called Awake people that makes my heart feel heavy is that they feel entitled and inclined and they think they can just go around and bash other people that don’t agree with their viewpoint. There is so much ignorance and abuse going around that it is an embarrassment to the fight for truth and freedom. We are making ourselves look incredible, ignorant and thick headed (as in not credible) and this way are missing the point completely as this is minimizing the chance of emancipating others from their psychological prison. There are so many people in this so called movement that feel better than the “sheeple” or so some people derogatorily call the “sleeping” people. Like they have sorted it out and feel better than the sleeping masses. Please show some compassion! We were all there once, unaware, trapped in what we were taught and fed, thinking so called conspiracy theorists are nutters and completely paranoid. You were that person once. When you feel better than others, you are clearly not awake. You may know more than the average person about the goings on in for example politics and space programs, but you clearly haven’t reached very deep in your spiritual liberation. And do you truly know everything about everything? As above, so below. It is about balance. There are so many big egos out there, especially in spiritual circles and this is very alienating and makes me personally feel lonely as even in these circles it doesn’t feel safe to express oneself and to be vulnerable. We always need to be on guard. I hope people look deep within themselves and focus on their path instead of being so adamant about judging other people. Let it be and all will be well. Share with love and respect, with peace and compassion. Be an example, teach by being true and open and vulnerable. We are all learning. Let’s do this together. And let us be challenged in our perspectives and remain open to change and growth.

Let’s go camping

It is now so important to merge the two worlds of the awakening communities so to speak. There is the spiritual camp and the economic/socials structure camp and they don’t always mix very well. I think it is very important that these two are merged for they are intertwined, no subject stands alone. We need a very strong spiritual foundation to understand and address political and social structures. In the spiritual field, let’s say the light worker side, you see a lot of people waiting for some form of savior, so they don’t have to activate their inner activist and at the light warriors are secretly hoping they do not have to do their own shadow work and face their personal demons, instead focusing on issues outside of them (which of course they never are, because everything is us as we create our reality). Let us please approach each other respectfully.

I am not daft

I am very aware of how I am perceived at times. And I feel how people think about me (even if they don’t always say it out loud). I am not daft (haha no really). I just choose not to push it, defend myself or fuel it with more attention. I am what I am and I believe what I believe, for now. I am open to change my mind. I also notice with myself sometimes I get so enthusiastic about something that I have uncovered, I just want to share it and get other people to see it. I sometimes start to push and feel I get frustrated when people laugh at me or don’t see the so called truth I so clearly have opened my eyes to. But with time, this hurst and frustrates less and less. I allow people there own path and if I have no-one to share my enthusiasm with, it shouldn’t die. I thank the internet for always finding people to converse with and find about new seeds and breadcrumbs of information to challenge my beliefs and ideas. But with people such as friends and family it is still hard sometimes. I can let it go so much better now. It is my path and I am just to excited to let this go and go back to bed.

Power to create our lives

This is also why I started blogging, to make sense of my thoughts and feelings and to keep track of the changes I am going through. I have rekindled a passion for life now I know that this is not it and that there is so much to explore. And especially the knowledge that we have the power to create our lives. We are not just dumb puppets that overcrowd the world. That that is all a lie. There is so much out there. We seem to need so many lifetimes to uncover it all! But do we really? As so much is being uncovered now, in such a rapid pace. I believe we are on the verge of a major full disclosure (beware of all partial disclosure, we need to fully disclose now! I am so excited that I may be here to experience the so called Event and see this world bloom into a new golden era. To be an active part of this process. OH WOW! I made the right choice coming here after all.

Empower people

We can’t know everything about everything. Some people like to go deep into conspiracies, the other into space programs, another in GMOs and natural food and water. We all have one or two subjects that we like to delve into and leaves us “more asleep” in other areas. But I it is hard to make a clear distinctions as all are connect. It is impossible to go deep into one subject and not come across others in some way, it is all deeply entwined. That is also why it surprises me that some people are so aware in some … and so shut off from others. I don’t think many people on Earth are fully unconscious. When you connect to people, talk to them, you will find out that a lot of people know something is wrong, they just can’t put their finger on it. And the people that do know feel powerless, like they cannot make a change. I think our most important role as light and truth warriors is that we need to empower people and make them see and feel that we have the power to change. We just need to stand up, all together, we need to unite, not divide into camps of so called asleep and awake people!

Explore for yourself

Sharing our truth like a religious zeolite only causes the people we are trying to wake up to feel alienated. We need to set the example and show the unawakened masses that we’re not radical people. I personally choose to speak my truth with kindness and compassion and give everyone their time and space to uncover the truth for themselves. I just leave some hints and breadcrumbs (okay sometimes big truth bombs, but hey, some people keep pressing the snooze button!). I write about what I want to write about and if that triggers anyone any which way that is fine. It is fine if you think I have lost my marbles, it is fine when you recognize my path and thoughts. And it is super great when you start to explore for yourself. To find your truth, not have it spoon-fed by the media or anyone else. But you know what I do ponder these days is that providing information that someone isn’t interested in or didn’t ask for needs to be handled very carefully, in order not to violate another’s free will, causing harm. Where do we draw the line?

Safe realities shattered

We are all going through a process. I change my mind all the time! It is like a treasure hunt, uncovering unexplored territory one inch at a time. Sometimes a big boulder breaks off and releases so much light at once, it is hard to process without putting blinders back on. I have been hit by resonating painful truth bombs a couple of times. Truths that I don’t always like or are not always very convenient. As they mean taking action and changing things in my own life that I am not always very eager to make. Changing beliefs is hard to do. But if you are not willing to let go of all you were taught and you have believed than this path is not for you. You need to be willing to start again, blank slate and have all your safe realities shattered.

Gurus and discernment

Also sometimes we are to eager to share our new found discoveries and we have only uncovered a tip of the iceberg. Sharing this information may be more harmful than keeping it to ourselves. We first need to explore deeper and feel if this is really the truth. Does it really resonate and we also need to take into account what is linked to this new found information. There are always so many links. Nothing stands alone. Uncover more of this net of connections before bringing it to the light is key. In a holistic fashion, it is not all about the mind and understanding something. But how does it feel, that is so important and many truth seekers forget to tap into how something feels. We just get so overexcited by some “out there” shining new piece of information, we just want it to be true. Because let’s face it people love a good drama and excitement. I am very aware of this happening in all parts of society, the so called sleeping and awake society. We all get infected by one another forgetting to tap into our own higher selves and feel what is our truth! We need to discern before sharing otherwise it may have an adverse effect. We need to be aware of looking to other people for the truth, to follow some other person’s ideas blindly. We don’t need any more Gurus. We are our own Gurus. Also with changing our beliefs so many times, we may get the “Boy who cried Wolf” effect. So we need to always show discernment in what we share.

Lead by example

When we share our wisdom everyone would benefit from this technique of patient yet persistent expression. Keep seeking. While I strongly suggest we seek the truth in all the dark places of this world, doing so with kindness, compassion, and integrity is essential. And stay in conversation with people. Don’t just push your truth on others. Stay in equal exchange of information with respect and an open heart and mind. Stay open to develop your own perspective. Don’t wander of in your own closed of world of truth. Stay grounded in society. Exchange and evolve.

Respect & Compassion

So no matter how we choose to call this process of learning, waking up or any other label, the fact is that the more you learn the more you realize how little you know and still have to learn. The path is not always exciting and freeing, it can also be very scary and depressing. It feels like dying. A part of all you beliefs die and your ego sure gets a beating. It can be a lonely path as well. As when opening and spreading truth you will alienate other people. That is why it is so important that we show respect and compassion to each other and other people that may not agree with us or find us weird dreamers. We have to first and foremost stay connected with ourselves and show ourselves the patience and understanding we deserve. Let’s take our time, discern and be love, always.

Stay open to inspiration and most important of all transformation. Don’t be afraid to have all your beliefs crumble to dust. Be willing to let go. Don’t hold all your eggs in one basket and think that you know it all. Clear your mind and let yourself be amazed. But don’t ever go out of your heart. Stay connected to your truth or you will be taken for a ride. Always use discernment and come from a place of love and joy.

Much love, Sat Nam,
IAM Charissa