He was a man of the world, a sea man, with a great passion for the sea and roaming the world.
He was popular and loved by many. He will be missed.
His dis-ease and pain is over and his great journey and adventure to the afterlife has begun…
So long dear Dad, until we meet again.
Xxx So much love, your daughter Charissa
Home At Last
I licked my finger and raised it to the air.
And set sail.
due North. Tacked a bit east. sea spray lashing
me down to the mast.
I saw Ahab in the distance aboard a white monstrosity.He seemed quite happy.
The years had been kind. A Fulfilled destiny.
I envy him so to surrender.
I tacked south.
some strange feat but a mighty seaman am I. The wind at my beck the stars at call.
sextant be dammed. I will rise where I fall. or sink.
Brinkmanship my stock in trade.
The wind remained at my back for a score and one.
my shirt in tatters. Still tied to the mast.
Howling banshees beckon me shore.
(A Sea Man’s Poem)