Hello you,

How are you? Are you having a holiday? How are you feeling? I myself was so looking forward to Summer, to unwind, relax and recooperate. But I feel complety drained and emotional. I cry all the time and feel heavy and very tired. Super emotional and well hard to define what it is I am feeling. I have no need to define it and just let it release and find it’s course. I am just letting this wash over me and taking as much rest as I can and listen to what my body has to tell me. I have taken a short time out (even though my workschedule is crazy busy!) to sit in the sun, draw, do things that bring me joy and peace. I also had my first cold in a long long time, a sign that my immuumsystem is off and I need to listen to my body. So now lots of clean food, drink, social visits, rest and self healings of Angelic Reiki.

As a conduit for healing, I lately I have been pondering the issue of health or lack thereof. My mother’s Cancer has been bringing up questions about health and also my own self care has been lacking at times (again!) and therefor I am back in the spiral of energydrain and healhissues such as migraines and fatigue. I have been asking the Universe and Angels about why we get sick and which blessings illness brings.

I have a past which is severely coloured by an eating disorder. I will write more about this in a separate post, otherwise this post will become to long and drift off-topic. At the moment there is a lot of focus once again on food and healing in my life. As my mother has been diagnosed with Lungcancer, we have drastically altered her diet. Once again it is confirmed for me how great of an impact lifestyle has on health. And this includes mindset, as I believe that is key! I am now at my mother’s house and we just had a talk and good cry about the acceptance of disease instead of fighting it. We as humans tend to judge situations as good an bad and we want to battle the bad and make everything light again. But the world isn’t that black and white and the light needs the dark as without the dark there is no light. Perhaps a disease is a messenger of your body asking for attention and healing of an energetic and spiritual issue. We need to thank the disease and accept it and listen to its message in order to heal it. The symptoms force us to look at the dark places inside us. The darkness helps us to step into ouw power, to listen to it, transform it and become whole. Illness disrupts our everyday life with our everyday habits and forces us to pause and look at our lives and where we have strayed off our path and where we need to reclaim our power and adjust our behaviour and patterns. We need to look at which emotions have been surpressed and need to be released. Ocourse it is key to do this before illness manifests, to accept and love ourselves and live a free and happy life. But in our daily lives we often forget to connect and feel this loving connection to ourselves. Therefor one day or the other we become ill. Remember this does not have to be so. Illness is not something we have to go through.

All diseases have a spiritual origin.

Your body is so much more than just the physical matter, it is an energy field and in this field we are connected with everything and everyone, an emotional, mental and spiritual body.
Our energy field is related to the organs and cells in ou bodies on a physical level. In this field you can feel and know your truth. But this is very difficult for many people to sense as our minds and thought block the signals from our body. Because they are perhaps inconvenient or painful. Illness starts in the emotional body, from here certain blockages settle in the physical body. Beliefs fom a mental body contribute to the development of emotional blockages and to the manifestation of illness. These are deeply ingrained beliefs about what is right and wrong about yourself. So the signals get louder and more severe until they get so loud we can no longer push them away and we are forced to listen. A lot of times this comes in the form of illness and disease. These are just the truth of your energetic body expressing itself. Let go of judgement about your body, as all thoughts are separating you from your truth. Just connect without thinking and listen. Tap into your body’s wisdom. Invite everything good and bad, as there is truly no good and bad, that is judgement and therefor separation. Love your body and say ‘yes’ to all of it.

Understanding illness

In order to learn to understand illness, it is necessary to come home to yourself and say YES to who you are. Look at that part of you that you have not been wanting to see and welcome it, love it, for this part is also you and longs to be seen and loved. By loving it you can transmute it and by transmuting this part of you it becomes your power and strength. Feel in and listen to the messages in the form of feelings and emotions, but do so without judgement or repression. Listen, accept and release. Allow your body to speak to you and do so often. Take time out to relax and listen. Connect to that field and bring light and awareness to all the repressed parts in you and be whole, connected and free.


Generally your emotions tell you when your energy is not flowing and when you turn your attention to the message and honor it, the blockage gets released. If you surpress the emotion it will manifest as a physical complaint. Physical syptoms therefor are a language for the soul. The soul feels happy when there is a free flow of energy and a continous renwal of all aspects of itself. Blockages stop this free flow of energy and depresses the soul. Illness therefor functions as an indicator. It shows you where you need healing. If you resist or deny your emotions and intuition your soul will communicate with you through your body.

The message

At the moment the disease manifests itself it may not be clear to you what the message is. You have probably denied the emotion it represents for such a long time, that this no longer is obvious to you. Understanding the spiritual meaning of disease is a process. An inner journey to restore the communication with your body To start this journey you first need to accept your illness. You then need to say yes to the symptoms and listen to the language of your soul behind it. Part of the communication is being restored by your willingness, patience and determination to take this inner journey. Although you may not know how to interpret the messages the behaviour it forces upon you are often a big clue. By limiting yourself in certain areas, it is putting the spotlight on things that were in the dark before. Remember all of this is coming to you, to the surface for you to be healed. If you ignore your body’s language and resist the disease it is very difficult to get through to the spiritual essence and meaning. There is too much fear and anger surrounding it. You need to come face to face with your illness, with your pain and discomfort and embrace it all and ask with an open consciousness: what do you want to tell me?

In order to understand the messages and perhaps get a better idea in which direction to find your answers, I always found this booklet very helpful. But always feel if this guidance resonates with you and don’t take it as the one and only truth. But it can help.


In our society it is not self evident to be intimate with our own bodies. We are bombarded by idealized images of what are body should look like. But all of these bear no relationship to the path of the soul of your soul. The path of the soul is highly individual. Therefor to find the truth about an illness, ailment of distress you need to tune into yourself in a very intimate way. Leaving behind al these standards and rules and search for deep truth within.

Medical advice

Ofcourse you can reach out to external authorities, such as alternative healers and medical doctors for advice and comfort. But beware that you don’t give up your power and your own responsibility. There is nothing wrong with seeking advise but always weigh this in your own heart and feel if this resonates with you. Only you are the true creator of your life and master of you body.


I always have a bit of a ‘problem’ with the word ‘healing’ as it implies that we are not already whole. As a ‘healer’ I can only ‘heal’ people that want to accept that they are already whole. It is all about releasing the judgement that one is somehow lacking or wounded. This belief is sometimes not in the conscious mind and can therefor also confuse people about illness and why they are suffering. Through healing this gap can be bridged and a person can be their full selves again in every energetic, spiritual and physical aspect. And most important on a path of spiritual healing to deal with the emotional issues, to find peace, stillness and love for self again. To feel excited again about being alive, on this planet, right now!! I for one am super excited and have found a new great passion for life! But now I have to watch to pace myself as I want so much to make up for lost time. I have so many plans and ideas that I get overwhelmed and may end up burned out (again). And yes this happened more than once. So this is my pattern. My pitfalls. And I have learned so much from them, from my body for showing me when I am in aligned energy and thriving! And when something is off and lacking. It is the perfect radar for navigating through life, as long as I don’t forget to quiet down and listen. I am stubborn by nature, so this is something to be aware of. I also believe that illness such as Cancer is caused by an emotional trigger. The food, alcohol, cigarettes, whatever have fed this imbalance and caused the scale to tip over, but the root problem to me feels emotional. This also has to be dealt with to survive such an illness. The cause needs to be resolved, needs to be found peace with. We have to find balance. Stress is the number one foo of health. So is sadness, anger, guilt, resentment, unforgiveness, etc. We need to release these lower energies from our field before it manifests into our bodies. We need to be aware of our energy at all times and keep it in harmony. And this is a challenge. Something we all learn in our own way and at our own pace. It is so important to stay balanced and clear our energy a couple of times a day. Also taking time to meditate, do yoga, be present with the body and feel which wise lessons it has to share. Not numb it with sugar, alcohol, etc. Listen, it just wants to be heard and that is why it reaches out by inducing illness and pain, otherwise it doesn’t get noticed. So listen, what is this pain or illness trying to tell me? What needs to be heard to be released.

Recover the connection

To recover pure intuitive connection to your body you need to over and over again be in a state of stillness and non-judgement and open to connect and receive. Practise and do not give up. Relax and travel through your body with a neutral awareness. Talk to your body. When you notice your body answers you will experience joy. You will feel happiness about the regained connection and intimacy. The body’s function as a communicator is restored. The way to let your body talk is love. Ask Mama Earth beneath you to support you in this process, the Earth knows instinctively what you need to heal, both physiclly and on the emotional level. Receive her strength and be open to the earth force in your body.

Chronic and terminal illness

Some diseases do not disappear even when it seems you have gone down to the root of understanding the underlying emotional blockage. I will write more about this in another blogpost to prevent this post from become too long. And this message also deserves another post of it’s own as it is a tough journey to be on. I have great respect for people on this path.


Angelic Reiki, Atlantean Healing, Flower Therapy and Angel Therapy are all methods I use to clear and balance the body. This energy clears by flowing through the affected parts of the energy field and charging them with positive energy. It raises the vibratory level of the energy field in and around the physical body where the negative thoughts and feelings are attached. This causes the negative energy to break apart and fall away. In so doing, these methods clear and straighten the energy pathways, thus allowing the life force to flow in a healthy and natural way. If you would like to make use of my services (https://www.joyincreation.com/services-prices/) and if you refer to this blogpost, you will receive a 10 euro/11 USD discount. I would love to help you reconnect to your body and help it feel whole again.

Much love and respect for your journey,

Charissa xxx