Have a blessed Easter everyone!
Be happy bunnies and practice resurrection in your daily lives.
Here are some ways we can practice resurrection in our daily lives.
- Give your full attention to whatever you are doing, and you’ll recognize the constant renewal of life all around you.
- Walk the path of beauty and notice the spiritual radiance in people, places, and growing things — more signs of rebirth.
- Whenever you with compassion open your heart, mind, and soul to the pain of the world, you help bring suffering beings back into the land of the living.
- When you cultivate the art of making connections, the walls of separation come crashing down and new life can spring up out of the rubble.
- Joy and enthusiasm is the mark of a life-giver. When you can laugh and sing and relish life, you are practicing resurrection.
- Every time you forgive someone, another resurrection is in the making.
- Every time you accept Grace in your life and see it in the world around you, your own resurrection is in the making.
- Practice gratitude and you disconnect from boredom, despair, and taking-things-for-granted.
- Bring hope to someone in despair, bring healing to those in conflict, and you are contributing to the ongoing resurrection.
- When you can welcome people with different ideas from you with graciousness, you are participating in a new world of hospitality.
- When you give full rein to your imagination, you are opening the gates of creativity so resurrection can come in.
- When you add even a small portion of joy to the lives of those around you, you bring resurrection into your community.
- Listen to others, the universe, and your inner voice, and you’ll be privy to resurrections when they happen.
- Find meaning in your experiences and speak the truth to power
- Nurture yourself — eat right, exercise, get plenty of rest — and you are helping to resurrect your body.
- When you stay open to all people and situations, you affirm your belief that all things can be made new.
- Sometimes you feel refreshed by the simplest things — laughter, games, play. This, too, is resurrection.
- Othertimes it is the thrill of the quest that spurs you on to be all you were meant to be as a person reborn.
- Find a place where you can regularly practice silence; it will rejuvenate your soul.
- Welcome changes — big and small — in your experience and signal your receptivity to transformationand resurrection.
- Pay attention to visions and visionaries as likely conduits of resurrection for yourself and your community.
Love always, Charissa xxx